Compacting scraps and waste materials - Caeb International
Our products > Industry
CAEB INTERNATIONAL manufactures the baling press OMNIPRESS 800 to compact industrial scraps and waste materials. OMNIPRESS 800 is a versatile and easy-to-use rotary baling press capable of compacting 30/40 kg material in 3 to 5 minutes. The result is easy-to-handle, very compact cylindrical bales.
The compression of sorted materials into bales allows to conveniently process them or to recycle them in full compliance with the environmental legislation and maximizing the value of recyclables.
The bales can be wrapped using either a PP-net or film, the choice depending on the material to be wrapped, on its subsequent use or on the customer's preferences.
OMNIPRESS 800 is used successfully in shopping centres, manufacturing companies, farms, automatic production lines and logistic companies.
Upon request CAEB INTERNATIONAL manufactures customized solutions aimed at best integrating OMNIPRESS 800 in different company contexts: drawers for the collection of compression residues, wheeled frames to move OMNIPRESS 800, automatic cutting for automatic production lines are just few of the customizations designed and manufactured for our customers.